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Install Nginx, Phpfpm, Mariadb, Phpmyadmin Lemp On

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04 If not, please check out the following tutorial • With that out of the way, let’s get started with installation.. If you are worried about security, you can change the phpMyAdmin URL to something else like your-domain/secret-path You can also prevent unauthorized access to the login page by implementing password authentication in Nginx.. Step 1: Download and Install phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is included in Ubuntu 16 04 software repository, so we can easily install it with the command below sudo apt update sudo apt install phpmyadmin Note: The above command will install all necessary dependencies including PHP7 extensions.. The advantage of accessing phpMyAdmin from sub-directory rather than sub-domain is that if you have HTTPS enable on your main domain name, then you don’t have to install new TLS certificate to secure phpMyAdmin.. It is used for server-side scripting language as well as general-purpose In this guide, we'll get a LEMP stack installed on an CentOS 7 VPS. Mass Effect Download Torrent

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Install Nginx, Phpfpm, Mariadb, Phpmyadmin Lemp On